The main "poster" map of Hammondal is complete. It'll still evolve as the book progresses, of course, but it's nice to see it all together ... or even pointedly dissected.
I'll probably do some more posts about the design of the core game material in Hammondal. I've tried sparking design discussions on Twitter, but Twitter doesn't seem conducive to that sort of thing, so I might shout it more into this void, than that one. Speaking of Twitter:
I don't know if my most honest response to this is "Don't make me choose!" or "Wait ... Politics?"
Anyway, I'm also getting back to mapping the Candle Islands themselves (that's where Hammondal is), and just diving deep into the writing of the Hammondal book. That part's going much, much better than the elevation drawings ... but it's nice to mix something where my skills are confident with something where my skills are ... nonexistent. So far. But give me a few weeks ...
Hope this finds you well. Let me know what you're up to!